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What is a CPM?A Certified Professional Midwife (CPM) is a knowledgeable, skilled and professional primary maternity care provider. Certified Professional Midwives are trained and credentialed to offer expert care, education, counseling, and support to women for pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period. CPMs practice as autonomous health professionals working within a network of relationships with other maternity care providers who can provide consultation and collaboration as needed. All Certified Professional Midwives meet the rigorous standards for certification set by the North American Registry of Midwives (NARM). In the United States, Certified Professional Midwives provide unique and critical access to normal physiologic birth, which profoundly benefits mothers and newborns. Although qualified to practice in any setting, they have particular expertise in providing care in homes and free-standing birth centers, and own or work in over half of the birth centers in the U.S. today. Certified Professional Midwives are a fast-growing branch of the midwifery profession in the United States. With the first CPM certificate issued in 1994, and with over 2454 certificates awarded as of January 2014, approximately 1 in 6 midwives in the U.S. today is a CPM. (1)
Is homebirth safe?Many studies show that home birth is a safe option with statistically fewer interventions for low risk clients when planned and attended by trained Midwives. The following links provide extensive evidence of the safety of home birth.
Is homebirth for me?An interview can answer your questions and concerns to determine whether home birth is a good fit. Click here to schedule a call. For more information about the Midwifery Model of Care can be found here.
What does "wellbody" care mean?"Midwifery care is not only for pregnant people. Rose & Oak offers routine STI testing, Physicals, Breast exams and Pap tests. Options for birth control, preconception health, fertility awareness are discussed, as is nutrition and complementary options for general health. Inclusive full spectrum well body care is the goal of Rose & Oak, with a strong emphasis on client education and empowerment. Referrals and resources are provided as needed.
What happens if I need to be transported to the hospital during labor?Sometimes, it is required to leave the home and transport to the hospital for various reasons. Rose & Oak strives to utilize all tools and resources to stay at home unless it is clear that hospital transfer is needed and best practice. Generally transports are non emergent and are done with clear informed choice and respect. In these times of Covid 19, the number of support people that may accompany the laboring parent is often limited to one. This is based on each hospital's Covid 19 protocol. In the case of transport, the midwives will continue to support and maintain communication and advocacy.
Do you attend Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC) at home?Due to current licensure protocols in the State of Maine, CPM’s are not attending VBAC’s at home. However we are hoping this is a temporary situation and this will be under review. If you are needing support for VBAC or referrals for VBAC friendly providers please contact for more info.
How much does it cost?An initial consultation is Free. The base fee for Prenatal, Labor Post Partum care is $5000. Payment plans are an option. Other additional fees include, additional testing, lab work and or ultrasound. Wellbody visits vary and can be discussed beforehand. Doula Services are $1000. Most lab work is covered by Insurance and Mainecare.
Do you take health insurance?Rose & Oak will provide a global bill for submitting to individual insurance companies. I will help counsel you on reimbursement. Lab work and ultrasounds are additional and often covered by Insurance and Mainecare
Do you provide breastfeeding support?As part of the scheduled postpartum visits, lactation support is part of the time spent together in the first days and weeks. As breastfeeding is an ongoing experience, and lifestyle, if there is additional support or complications that arise I will refer to local CLC or IBCLC support services, breast feeding support groups and resources the can be educational and supportive at home.
Where do you attend births?As a Primary Midwife I am willing to work within an hour+ radius of my home office in Rockport, Maine. As an assistant Midwife, that area may stretch a little further as I am not the first Midwife on location. I prefer to attend home births that are within a 30 minute commute to the nearest hospital.
Do you still teach prenatal yoga?Not currently. I love teaching yoga and hope to resume teaching in the future. In the meantime I am happy to share resources for home practice.
Can my other children be part of care?One of the wonderful aspects of home based Midwifery is the inclusion of young ones. I am always open to having little hands assist in measuring and feeling bellies. It is a great pleasure witnessing siblings prepare for a little one to join the family.
Where can I find more information and references?Please check out
What is your model of care?Our philosophy embraces midwifery care as a foundational relationship based practice in which the individual needs and autonomy are honored and respected within the midwifery model of care. This philosophy honors the social, emotional, spiritual, psychological and physical experience of each individual. For more information, please see Midwifery Model Of Care. To learn more about each area of service please continue reading or feel free to reach out.
Is it possible to transfer my current care over to you?It is possible, but since each situation is unique, please book a free consultation call with me so that I can determine if I can care for your particular situation.
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